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Soundtrack devil wears prada all songs, find your favorite movie songs on this list now!

Soundtrack devil wears prada all songs, find your favorite movie songs on this list now!

Okay, so the other day I was watching “The Devil Wears Prada” again, you know, the one with Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep. It’s a classic, right? And as I’m watching, I’m bopping my head to the music, and I’m thinking, “Man, this soundtrack is pretty good!” So, naturally, I had to dive in and see what I could find out about it.

Soundtrack devil wears prada all songs, find your favorite movie songs on this list now!

First, I just had to listen to it again so I opened up my phone and pulled up one of those music apps. I Searched for “The Devil Wears Prada soundtrack” and boom, there it was. It has all the songs from the movie, well, most of them anyway. It’s got a good mix of artists too, it’s not all just one style, which is cool.

I started playing the soundtrack and started grooving, remembering all the scenes the songs were in. Like, when Andy is running around the street getting coffee, or when she is complaining about her new job. Good stuff.

But then I noticed something. Some of my favorite tracks aren’t on this official soundtrack album. What’s up with that? For instance, that song “Suddenly I See” by KT Tunstall that plays during the opening credits? It’s nowhere to be found! And there are a few others missing too, like “Our Remains” by Bitter:Sweet and “Jump” by Madonna. I mean, “Jump” plays when Andy is in Paris, it’s a key moment, how can you not include it?

So, I did a little digging, you know, just browsing around to see what I could learn. Turns out, putting together a soundtrack isn’t as simple as just throwing all the songs from the movie onto an album. There are probably all sorts of complicated reasons why some songs get left out, like licensing issues or maybe the studio just didn’t want to pay for them.

  • Soundtrack Listing Discrepancies:
    • “Suddenly I See” by KT Tunstall (opening credits) is missing.
    • “Our Remains” by Bitter:Sweet is not included.
    • “Jump” by Madonna (featured during Andy’s time in Paris) is absent.

Anyway, despite those missing pieces, the official “The Devil Wears Prada” soundtrack is still pretty solid. It captures the vibe of the movie really well, and it’s a fun listen. But if you’re like me and you want the full experience, you might have to do a little extra work and track down those missing songs separately. It’s a bit of a hassle, but hey, for the perfect playlist, sometimes you gotta go the extra mile, right?

Soundtrack devil wears prada all songs, find your favorite movie songs on this list now!

My takeaway?

Making a movie soundtrack is a whole thing. It’s not just about picking good songs, there are all these other factors involved, which I never really thought about before. And even though the official soundtrack is good, it’s not perfect. But that’s okay. It just makes me appreciate the music in the movie even more.


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