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Vladimir McCrary: From Start to Now, Learn All About Him

Oh boy, where do I even start with this Vladimir McCrary character? I stumbled upon his name while browsing some old movie stuff online, and I got curious. You know, one of those rabbit holes you fall into on the internet.

Vladimir McCrary: From Start to Now, Learn All About Him

First, I just googled his name, you know, the usual. Turns out, this guy was in “The Fifth Element”! That weird, kinda cool sci-fi movie from the 90s. I remember seeing that movie when I was a kid, but I totally didn’t recognize his name.

So, I dig a bit deeper. Found out he was a model back in the day, like, a proper model. And get this, he apparently was a basketball player too. How cool is that? From shooting hoops to striking poses, what a change.

Then, I found this tidbit that he worked at a Target in Mission Valley, California. I mean, imagine seeing a former model from a famous movie working at your local Target. I would probably do a double-take.

  • The Fifth Element (1997): This is where I first “met” him, so to speak. Didn’t realize it was him at first, though!
  • Model Days: Pictures of him in magazines, on covers, the whole shebang. He was pretty famous, it seems.
  • Basketball Player: Played before his modeling career, apparently. I wonder how good he was.
  • Target Employee: This one surprised me. Just goes to show, you never know where life will take you.

I even found a mention that he was in one of Madonna’s videos. I’m not a huge Madonna fan, but still, that’s pretty cool. The guy has been around, it seems.

I tried to find his social media, and found an account with his name on it. There were a couple of posts, looked like recent photos. It’s always interesting to see what people you see in movies are up to these days.

Vladimir McCrary: From Start to Now, Learn All About Him

Honestly, researching Vladimir McCrary was like piecing together a puzzle. A bit here, a bit there. It wasn’t some big project, just a fun little detour I took while surfing the web.

And hey, he’s also part of this “SOCIOGENESIS” teaser thing. Some kind of art project, it seems. Artists from all over the world are involved, and he’s one of them. I’m not sure exactly, but it looks interesting, maybe I’ll look that up later, but now I’m off to watch a movie, see ya next time!


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