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How to Wear Engagement Ring and Wedding Band: Simple Tips for Brides

How to Wear Engagement Ring and Wedding Band: Simple Tips for Brides

Okay, so, I got engaged a while back – yay! – and the wedding’s coming up soon. I’ve been wearing my engagement ring, obviously, but I started wondering, “How am I supposed to wear this thing with my wedding band?” Sounds silly, I know, but I had no clue! So, I did a little digging and thought I’d share what I found in case anyone else is in the same boat.

How to Wear Engagement Ring and Wedding Band: Simple Tips for Brides

First, I learned that both the engagement ring and the wedding band are supposed to show our love and commitment. That makes sense, right? I mean, that’s what this whole thing is about.

Then, I started to look into how people actually wear them. Turns out, there’s a “traditional” way, but it’s not a hard-and-fast rule or anything. The traditional way is to wear both rings on the fourth finger of your left hand.

  • The wedding band goes on first, so it’s closest to your hand, and then you put the engagement ring on top of it. People say this is because the wedding band is then closest to your heart. Kind of sweet, huh?

Trying it Out

So, naturally, I had to try it out. I took my engagement ring off, which felt weird after wearing it for so long! I pictured how it would be with the wedding band. I have to admit, it looked really pretty, and I liked the idea of the wedding band being closer to my heart.

I also read that some people do it differently. Some folks switch the order after the wedding, some wear them on different hands, and some only wear one ring at a time. It’s totally up to you! I personally will stick with the traditional way because I love the look of my rings together, and the symbolism just feels right to me.

Ultimately I realized there is no right way, it’s all about what feels good to you. I hope sharing my journey helps someone out there!

How to Wear Engagement Ring and Wedding Band: Simple Tips for Brides

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