Celebrities & Luxury

How to describe your fashion style: Easy tips for finding your unique look and expressing your personal fashion style.

How to describe your fashion style: Easy tips for finding your unique look and expressing your personal fashion style.

Okay, so, I’ve been thinking a lot about my fashion style lately. It’s something I’ve kind of struggled with, to be honest. But I decided to finally figure it out, and here’s how I did it.

How to describe your fashion style: Easy tips for finding your unique look and expressing your personal fashion style.

First, I went through my closet. Not just a quick glance, but a real deep dive. I pulled out all the clothes I absolutely love, you know, the ones I always reach for. I laid them all out on my bed so I could really see them.

Then I started looking for patterns. What did these clothes have in common? I looked at the fabrics, the cuts, the colors, and the overall styles. I started to see some similarities. A lot of soft fabrics, relaxed fits, and mostly neutral colors with a few pops of brighter shades. The styles were kind of all over the place, some were casual and some were a bit more dressed up, but nothing too formal.

I was a little stuck at this point, so I decided to look for some inspiration. I remembered that my style isn’t just one thing, so I needed to look at multiple sources. I hopped on Pinterest and started looking at different celebrities, models, and just regular people whose style I admired. I made a board and pinned a bunch of outfits that I liked.

After doing all that, I tried to come up with three words to describe my style. This was the hardest part! It felt like a big decision, you know? But I finally settled on “comfortable”, “versatile”, and “uncomplicated”.

It’s still a work in progress, but I feel like I’m finally getting closer to understanding my personal style. It’s not about following trends, it’s about finding what makes me feel good and confident.

How to describe your fashion style: Easy tips for finding your unique look and expressing your personal fashion style.

    My Style Words

  • Comfortable: This one is super important to me. I need to feel relaxed in my clothes.
  • Versatile: I like pieces that I can mix and match and wear in different ways.
  • Uncomplicated: I don’t want to spend hours putting together an outfit. I like to keep it simple.

By the way, experimenting with my clothes helps me understand myself even more. A few days ago, I tried a new style and it made me feel very lively and fun, which is something I hadn’t felt in a long time.

So yeah, that’s my journey so far. It’s been fun, and a little challenging, but mostly fun. I’m excited to keep exploring and see where my style takes me!


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